The secret to beautiful skin is not wearing concealer or blush. Beautiful skin comes from the way you look at and treat the skin as well. That way you can look beautiful even without makeup. Consider the following seven ways, as quoted by Type F.
1. Eating healthy food
True beauty begins from within, therefore, make it a habit to always eat healthy foods like fruits, vegetables and nuts. In addition, supplements of vitamins A, C and E both to increase the levels of antioxidants in the body.
If you want to have a bright glowing skin, get used to eating foods that contain essential fatty acids, such as canola oil, olive oil, cold water fish and walnuts.
2. Diligent sun exposure
Everyone must know the negative effects of UV rays. When you walk outdoors, do not forget to use sunscreen. Sun exposure contributes to skin aging.
3. Drink plenty of Water
Drinking Water can prevent your skin from dehydration. From now on, make it a habit to drink eight glasses of Water each day.
4. Keep your skin clean & moisture
Always pay attention to cleanliness and moisture your skin. Never lazy to clean the face after the move and after wearing cosmetics. Keep the skin of dead cells to help regenerate healthy skin, fresh and glowing.
5. Many sports
In addition to reducing stress, exercise can make the skin supple and taut. The skin needs to breathe. When you exercise, the oxygen into every cell of your body and make it work more efficiently. Exercise for half an hour a day is better than nothing.
6. Enough sleep
Lack of sleep can make you stressed and tired skin. Quality sleep can help refresh your face and make it look luminous.
7. Stop smoking
Say 'goodbye' to the skin enemy number one. Smoking habits can take oxygen from the skin, affecting internal organs, increasing the risk of disease and can cause death. In addition, smoking can also make a dark lip color and cause wrinkles. Still want to smoke?
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